17 March – Plant Club: Seed saving with London Freedom Seed Bank

  • Date Wednesday, 17 March 2021
  • Time 12:30pm 1:30pm
  • Address Book via eventbrite with password: Bankside
Book here

“Seed is not just the source of life. It is the very foundation of our being.” Vandana Shiva

The London Freedom Seed Bank is a network of growers and gardeners dedicated to saving, storing, and sharing open-pollinated, London-grown seed. They train growers to save their own seed, maintain a living seed collection and distribute seed for free to all who want to grow food in London.

This talk and Q&A by co-director Helene Schulze will explore why we should pay attention to seeds and how to begin saving our own.

What to expect:

  • Introduction to seed saving, insights and tips/tricks for beginners
  • Why we should consider saving seeds, the benefits for doing this
  • Opportunity to ask questions

This is an online event. A zoom link will be sent to you before the event.

RSVP via Eventbrite using password: Bankside

Spaces are limited, if you are no longer able to attend please cancel your place in advance to allow someone from the waiting list to take your place.

You are welcome to join this event if you live or work in Bankside.