18 October – Practice Inclusivity

  • Date Monday, 18 October 2021
  • Time 2pm 5pm
  • Address online - book through Eventbrite with password Bankside
Book now

This training is now fully booked. However more spaces may become available, so please add your details to the waitlist.

Human Resources training for inclusive and unbiased practice across the ‘employee life cycle’.

The overall aim of the course is to facilitate you to explore and develop a more in-depth understanding of various forms of bias and its impact on decision-making processes during the ‘employee life cycle’ covering areas such as recruitment, retention and progression.

This training is aimed at people who recruit staff and will be applicable for anyone who is responsible for recruitment and/or HR within their organisation.

Through an engaging workshop we will start to identify solutions and processes that will manage and mitigate bias and prepare the ground for increased equity in practice and supporting operational, systemic and cultural change.

This 3 hour training will benefit you in embracing and improving equality, diversity and inclusion as well as helping you be better placed to attract and retain talented staff, managers and leaders. To make the most of this training course some material will be sent out to you in the week before the 18 October for you to read through before the training.

This interactive workshop will:

  • Prepare individuals and decision-makers to manage and mitigate the risks of bias affecting the outcomes and opportunities.
  • Enable participants to identify the relevant aspects of conscious bias, unconscious bias and structural bias.
  • Increase awareness and signpost participants to specific approaches, methods and processes that can be used to manage and mitigate conscious, unconscious and structural bias.

Content will include:

  • The benefits of inclusive and unbiased practices
  • Internal and external stakeholder engagement and experience
  • Racial Bias & Implicit Stereotyping
  • Activation techniques in recruitment and selection
  • Bias reductions strategies

Your organisation must be a Better Bankside member to attend this training. Due to a limited capacity, we ask only two people per organisation register initially. We’ll contact anyone who registers if there are already two people signed up from your organisation and add you to a waiting list. Any remaining spaces will be allocated in the week before the webinar to those on the waiting list.