30 March – Bankside Exchange: Supporting employee wellbeing

  • Date Tuesday, 30 March 2021
  • Time 12:30pm 1:30pm
  • Address online - book through Eventbrite with password Bankside
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Employee wellbeing has never been more important. Join our roundtable to share your approach to supporting employee wellbeing, learn from your business neighbours and understand how Better Bankside can help.

The past year has highlighted the importance of looking after our own wellbeing and that of our colleagues and employees. We know a healthier and happier workforce means greater productivity, reduced stress and a stronger team with higher retention rates. But how are you embedding a culture of wellbeing in your team? How has your business built connections while working from home and how are you planning on adapting to the expected mix of working from home and the workplace?

The session will be an opportunity for members to learn from each other and share experiences, challenges and successes. We’ll share what support Better Bankside is offering to businesses and we want to hear other ways we can help.

If you have any questions or want to suggest discussion points in advance then please email Charlotte Stanley, cs@betterbankside.co.uk.