18 July – Bankside Futures Celebration Event

  • Date Thursday, 18 July 2024
  • Time 5pm 7pm
  • Address ARCH 23, 45 Southwark St SE1 0HP (Flat Iron Square)
Register using password: Bankside

Family, friends, teachers, businesses and volunteers are invited to celebrate Bankside Futures 2024!

Join us for this special event to hear from the young people participating in Bankside Futures this summer. Find out what they have learned during the programme, and how Bankside businesses have supported them to develop new skills and build their confidence.

It’s also a chance to find out about the social action projects that the young people have worked on in teams, using their new knowledge and skills to create a campaign about an issue that matters to them.

There will also be time to celebrate each young person’s achievements, as well as enjoy drinks and nibbles and the chance to network.

About Bankside Futures

Bankside Futures is a summer programme for young people aged 16-18 years old, designed to get them ready for the world of work by meeting a range of Bankside businesses, learning about different jobs and careers, and creating a social action project to share their views about issues that affect the local community.

Bankside Futures is delivered by Better Bankside and Sculpt UK.