28 July – Bankside Meets: ‘Everybody’s Garden’ urban gardening discovery walk

  • Date Wednesday, 28 July 2021
  • Time 12:30pm 2pm
  • Address The Bridge, Southwark Bridge Road
Register using password: Bankside

Join Better Bankside’s very own Urban Gardener, Georgia for a walking tour of some of the sites that she manages in Bankside. You’ll learn about Better Bankside’s urban gardening and the principles of the Bankside Urban Forest to green the grey and support biodiversity in our neighbourhood. Sites include a courtyard garden, tree pits, a rain garden and other pockets of space reclaimed from the urban landscape.

At the end of the walk, you’ll also have the chance to get involved in the Everybody’s Garden sunflower challenge by planting out some seedlings into their final location in Bankside.

All tools will be provided, but we encourage you to bring your own gardening gloves if possible.

You are welcome to join this event if you live or work in Bankside.

If you register but can no longer attend, please cancel your ticket with as much notice as possible to allow someone from the waiting list the opportunity to go in your place.

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